Are business schools doing enough

Are business schools doing enough?

In this article, Alain Haut, focusses on what he believes Business Schools need to do to adapt to ensure that they continue to produce world-class leaders, capable of delivering a sustainable future. This is particularly relevant in this Covid-19 environment as the quality of leadership will in part determine how well and quickly we are…

Tomorrows Leadership

Tomorrow’s leadership

Are today’s leaders listening to the needs and concerns of the talented professionals on their teams who will be leading businesses tomorrow? Here’s a story of how a group of young professionals sees leadership today; what they think is working, what needs to change, advice they have for current leaders – and how they would…

Whats happening to the workplace post Covid-19

What’s happening to the workplace post Covid-19?

One of the main areas of discussion on the implications of Covid-19 on the working world has been ‘what’s going to happen to the office’? Here are two short articles written by two FutureWork Forum Partners, both highly respected and renowned in the field of efficient workplaces – Andrew Chadwick, the Principal of Chadwick International…


Leadershift: Creating the innovation-ready organisation

For many companies, the impact of the COVID crisis will be all encompassing. Customer needs and market structures may have changed. Employee morale and fragility will need careful attention. Supply chains may need to be drastically reconfigured and bolstered. These new working conditions demand considered and innovative approaches from leadership. There is no longer a…

The productive Leader

The productive leader

We are now experiencing an unprecedented disruption to working lives, from businesses closing and people being out of work, to people putting their lives on the line tackling the coronavirus crisis. Millions of people are now working from home and still managing to get the job done. All the conventional views on how, when and…