Why we need human centred leaders
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We believe passionately that every organization needs to serve all of its stakeholders – employees, shareholders, customers, communities and society at large.

The challenge is to achieve this by creating work that is meaningful, rewarding and productive.

Welcome to the FutureWork Forum

We are a worldwide network of professionals passionate about the evolution of work and its impact on our lives. Today’s professional landscape is one of continual and rapid transformation of how work is organized. The Forum provides leaders with lucid and practical perspectives on the way forward – by opening frank discussions on the implications for their organizations and society.

We believe in a human-centred approach to work design. This fresh perspective recognizes the vital role that committed workforces makes to the increased value of organizations, enabling them to make a long-term positive contribution to society. Leaders need to respond to the new values and perceptions of work – driven by technology leaps (not least artificial intelligence) and post-pandemic demands that that workers are making of their employers.

In their rush to adapt to the rapidly evolving workplace and market pressures, many managers are forgetting the simple fact that people at all levels of an organization want to be recognized and listened to. We are convinced that human-centric leadership will do more to motivate people and boost corporate value than any new management framework.

We see many people re-evaluating how work best fits in their lives; and that the broader workforce is questioning previously accepted assumptions about how work is done. How to embrace and encourage this transformation is what tomorrow’s leaders must do.

FutureWork Forum Services

Its the rich mix of talent, expertise and experience that makes the FWF offer so unique. The diversity of its people and their collective knowledge and skill set them apart from other groups and although each have a set of individual specialisms, the services are arranged in the following broad categories.



Personal advice to senior managers about their leadership style in the digital age.


Working with organizations to implement change and achieve business objectives.


Gathering and analyzing data, writing reports, and presenting conclusions on future-of-work subjects.


Conference presentations and keynote speeches on a broad set of issues related to the changing world of work.


Improving the skills and knowledge of managers and staff through conferences, seminars and workshops.


Producing articles, papers and books addressing key business issues.

FWF Partner Organisations

Partners of the Future Work Forum have their own independent organisations providing a variety of services. We also have a select group of Patrons whose organisations support the Forum. For more details click on the logos below or see the Partners page.