The trouble with learning

The trouble with learning…

The trouble with learning is that it requires us to acknowledge that we don’t know enough, and it often results in us needing to change something we don’t think needs changing. Worse still, learning means we can end up having to admit that we were wrong about something, or, have made a mistake. None of…

Authentic and respectful leadership

Authentic and respectful leadership

In the following article featured in the ‘Leadership For a Better Future’ series in EFMD’s Global Focus magazine, Stuart Neilson writes about leadership behaviours and values that will ensure future success. But what does respectful leadership look like now as our leaders face the impact of Covid-19? The author has identified ways to help leaders…

The Apocalypse of Leadership

The apocalypse of leadership

‘Leadership for a better future’ is the title for this series of articles and is clearly apposite if we are to emerge from the pandemic stronger and with greater purpose. Whatever the ‘new normal’ is, it demands an inclusive leadership to help people regain belief that there can be a bright future. This article talks…

Global Focus Introduction

Are Leaders being left behind?

We do not need to read journals or study research results to know that the world is changing rapidly. We just need to look around and see what is happening. Our lives are being transformed by technology, bringing with it some real benefits and many thorny problems. We are experiencing social change on a massive…

The future of diversity

The future of diversity and inclusion

A May 2020 McKinsey article says that ‘Inclusion and Diversity are at risk in the crisis – but are critical for business resilience and re-imagination’. ‘Some of the characteristics that inclusive companies exhibit – innovation and resilience, will be more needed than before’. In this article, written before the crisis hit, Carolina Yeo argues that…

Engaging with Technology

Engaging with technology

Now, in the time of COVID19, it may seem beside the point to make a plea to rethink how work gets done by humans and technology. Many just want to get back to work with people. (Most don’t want to get back to work with technology, unless their work is the technology.) While some people…

Bucking the En “title”ment Cult

There’s something odd about jobs these days … we’ve gone all fancy full of frills and furbelows. The rot began when some genius managed to turn good old, sensible, sane Personnel, into that two-word misnomer Human Resources. The profession never recovered, spawning even worse bastardisations that culminated in heads of knowledge, chief people officers and…

Beyond Leadership

Beyond Leadership

How do network leaders lead their employees? In network-like, fluid, or holocratic organisational structures, there is rarely a fixed leadership relationship between employee and supervisor; instead, leadership responsibilities are assigned on a project, task force, or even network basis. For this reason, traditional top-down methods no longer work. Instead, methods for building and stabilising networks…